Thursday, April 25, 2013

Sunday is Family Day

Sunday is family day, and a day with sunshine means fro-yo and bike rides around the lake.


  1. lovely, Lil. :) :) :) these make me smile.

  2. Froyo and all these shots are perfect. x

  3. Anonymous25.4.13

    This is says so much :) I love the simplicity of black and white and the one phrase because that's really all you need. A bike ride sounds awesome right now. AND FRO YO. Perfect.

  4. Love! Especially the bike rides. No, the Froyo's. No, the lake. Or the family. Or these lovely photographs. Never mind, I just love this whole post!

  5. Anonymous26.4.13

    Just lovely. And, I agree! Whenever I don't go home to visit my family, my Sunday's don't feel quite right. Happy weekend!

  6. So sweet and simple. Just like Sundays ought to be.


Thank you for taking the time to tell me what you think, I appreciate all your words!