Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Boots // Little Stories

There is something quite comforting in wearing three-size-too-big boots.  Bigger steps, exaggerated, take you place to place, and in order to run, you must high-step it, giggling all the way.

I think that it must be because of all the times you wore your father's boots when you were little, that you so cherish it now.  The times when you slipped into the cavernous boots to drag your feet, creating a muddy trail through the snow to the mailbox, the old metal box echoing your hands' request for mail.

I think it must be because it reminds you how to be little again, it reminds you that you aren't all that grown-up, it helps you feel better, since you're already taller than your mother, and the feeling of tucking your head under her chin, just isn't there any more.  It is better to know that you are still little, that your feet can still jostle around in too-big boots, even if you can reach things your mother cannot.

So I'm glad you have these boots, because I like to see you laugh, stomping through the snow, shuffling around, and giggling.  I think that it is good for you.  And I hope you have a nice day.


  1. that sweat + those leggings...AH. Okay. I'm good.

  2. ..You're adorbs missy + your outfits are just perfection I believe.

  3. Anonymous29.1.13

    Who takes your outfit photos?

    1. Some I take myself, but I usually set it up and ask one of my little sisters to take the shots for me, and soon I'll be getting a remote. :)

  4. LOVE THE TOP + pants duo. Amaaaazing.

  5. You are so cute and can pull of the best mixed patterned outfits.
    Love this post a lot.

  6. such a fun outfit. why is it that you can pull off awesome stuff like this? jelly. ;)

    I can totally resonate with your words though... it's those little moments that help me to remember what it's like to be a carefree child that make me happy and see life differently. :)

  7. so true in so many ways, i absolutely love your writing and those pictures x

  8. i love your style. it's so vintage and lovely. ♥

  9. love this! love these shots! your pants are adorable! & big boots are so much fun! xo

  10. I've only just found your blog, but I'm glad I did. These photos are great!


Thank you for taking the time to tell me what you think, I appreciate all your words!