Tuesday, September 25, 2012


This is my last post from the pile of pictures on my desktop that are leftover from summer adventures.  I miss the lake, and the hammock and reading and falling asleep on the dock.  This mini shoot with my little sister was really fun.  I feel like I am beginning to grow as a photographer and I like that.  There are many of these pictures that I'll probably look back on and laugh, maybe glad that I've grown since then.  But for now, a couple of these make me smile.  I'm proud of some of the things I've done with a camera.
I really enjoy taking pictures.  Emily is a lovely little goof and I love her a lot.  She loves getting her picture taken, which is fun for me.  I was feeling very snap happy that afternoon, I asked emily if she had anything white because I had these colors in mind, she changed and we snapped away.  Sometimes she would get this funny little grimace on her face, so I would tell her to relax her face and *mime* blargablargablaa- shake her head back and forth so her cheeks made silly sounds.  She would do it, and laugh and flip her hair and it was funny to see.
The process of taking pictures and capturing moments is nice.  I like remembering that day, and how she suggested different things, and how her face lit up with the stories she told me.
I honestly have no idea what to tell people when they ask me what exactly I want to "do" with my life, I've been saying something with graphic design and photography, but I really don't know exactly.  I want to be able to capture moments and laughter and happiness and real emotion.  But I'm not sure where exactly I'm going.  It's kind of scary trying to find direction right at this moment.
I'm a senior and I feel like I need to make a lot of decisions right now about what will happen in my life.
But all I know is that I like people.  And I like pictures.  And I like memories.
Also, I like writing.  So I'll see where it takes me, but for now, I need to cherish more the time I have here.  and now.

lillian rachel


  1. People ask me what I want 'to do' and I'm very much the same. Sometimes I blow them off with a 'Coercive Information Extraction Technologies, thanks,' or just cover up with 'Um, English and languages,' but honestly, I really just love stories. I love stories, and I love how film and books and music can all tell very good ones and how they're smattered all over life whether or not one cares to look. I want to look, and I want to look here and now and not miss a beat. Luck and blessings to both of us, eh? :)

  2. Anonymous25.9.12

    Emily is a perfect little one to chase around!
    John 14:1 always settles my heart, especially when faced with life-changing decisions.

  3. Love these pictures! (:

  4. These pictures are wonderful!!

  5. These pictures are great. I really love the one of her in the boat!

  6. I like this, a lot. :)


Thank you for taking the time to tell me what you think, I appreciate all your words!