Monday, December 03, 2012

Write your words.

Write your words.  It's the title of the page for 750 words (I know I've mentioned it so many times).  But here's where it hit me.

 Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, 
whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is 
admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about 
such things.  Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or 
seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.
Phil. 4:8-9

It's easy to complain.  It's easy to write what you think would be the most popular.  It's easy to not be honest, for whatever reason.  And it's easy to just think about lovely things.
We live in a generation of passivity, of thinking about lovely things, but never creating.

But I'd like to challenge you to Write Your Words.
Write from your heart, write what's real, write what's lovely.
We are the lights for our Creator, we are the cracked pots, that Jesus shines through.
So let your light shine.
Write your real words.

Whatever the platform, a blog, "real life", school, be real, and be a light for our Savior.

Don't write just anything, don't just photograph without meaning.
Go forth and create purposfully-put it into practice.  Create beautiful art, words, dance, with meaning, give praise to THE Creator in whatever means possible.
Write your words, take your pictures, dance your dance.

This is life, don't let it pass in imitation.

Give the GLORY to God, it's going to take more than thinking.



  1. "We live in a generation of passivity; of thinking about lovely things, but never creating."

    I couldn't agree with you more, girl. Thank you for sharing this. Amen, amen. ♥

  2. Ahhhh... this is so good and so true and so timely. I would comment gushingly, but I just wrote a post about this:

  3. Yes. Just yes.

  4. YES! Thank you SO much for posting this. EVERYONE needs to hear this.

  5. yes. love this. that picture, gorgeous!

  6. I needed this. right now.
    I've been pondering lately how I always end up writing about what I feel others will think is beautiful, rather than raw, real life.

  7. So lovely and so true... thank-you Lillian for this special reminder. :)

  8. Oh my word, you inspire me SO much girl. All the time, in every post.


  9. this post rocked my world. so perfect, so true, so much of what i needed to hear right now. thank you.

  10. Amen to every single word of this. "Don't write just anything, don't just photograph without meaning." Yes, yes, yes.


Thank you for taking the time to tell me what you think, I appreciate all your words!