Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Rice Pudding // The Shortest of Shorts


"A little cup of rice pudding can cure all my woes," she said, a mug snuggled to her nose, warming her tear stained face.
"All your woes," he asked, smirking, a bit too skeptical for her taste.
"Yes, all of them."  She was the kind of girl who would rather curl up on the couch in her father's thick woolen socks than go to the movies.  He was the kind of boy who would skeptically question the healing properties of food, but would sit on the couch with her, occasionally tickling her sides to cheer her up.
That day wasn't so very much of anything.  There was a little bit of sunshine, but a couple clouds.  There were tear-stained cheeks, but there were smiles.
But a home that smells like vanilla and milk and pudding rice is a home with a future.  Methodically stirring the pan she imagined all the things that she had hoped for but would no longer have, but it's true that a little cup of rice pudding can cure all woes.

In an effort to tell better stories: (the shortest of shorts) little tidbits of life, characters, and make-believe. Follow them here.


  1. RICE PUDDING IS MY FAVORITE FOREVER AND EVER AMEN. (or "milch reis," the german version I grew up with)

  2. love this. good words, good story. :)

  3. this is so good. so so good.

    I love short stories,
    your writing style,
    (your photographs),
    and this lovely post.


  4. This is so so good Lillian. I love the way you write and the descriptive words you used to tell your story. <3

  5. You make me crave some rice pudding...
    absolutely beautiful

  6. So wonderfully cute.

  7. Anonymous19.3.13

    Beautifully written. And, delightfully addictive. ;)

  8. I really like this a lot. And rice pudding...now I'm craving it. ;)

  9. Anonymous20.3.13

    so beautiful. and so delicious.
    mandy / through black and white

  10. your blog. is. amazing.


Thank you for taking the time to tell me what you think, I appreciate all your words!