Thursday, January 03, 2013

Easy Midnight Fudge

At midnight, if one desires chocolate, and your movie won't load on netflix, and you have two siblings to help you and maybe a kitten, and you like fudge then I suggest you make this.  It's quite easy, but it won't be ready until the end of your movie, so you do have to be a little patient.  


1 can (14 oz) sweetened condensed milk
1 package (or several different half-way snacked upon) semisweet chocolate chips
1 OZ unsweetened chocolate (optional)

1 teaspoon instant espresso (optional)

1 1/2 cups chopped nuts (optional)
1 teaspoon vanillla extract

Open your can of sweetened condensed milk and pour it into a saucepan, and heat it up with your chocolate chips.  Once mostly melted, take off heat and continue to stir until it is all soft and chocolate-y.  Add in the vanilla, and the instant espresso/nuts if you want.  Pour/scrape into a 9x9 inch well PAM-ed pan.  Refridgerate until firm.  It might be almost ready by the end of you movie, at least firm enough to thouroughly test it.  But by morning, it'll be a delicious smooth pan of chocolate.  Don't eat it all at once.  ;)

I thought of maybe doing a New Year post, but I don't think I really will.  Maybe halfway through January, or late at night this week, I'm not sure.  But I hope you're all enjoying break, and have renewed joy for this year ahead of us.  

lillian rachel


  1. Anonymous3.1.13

    SO making this..thank you!

  2. Oh, this looks like the perfect midnight snack! yummy fudge and movie, the best!

  3. You better believe I'll be making this.. tonight.

  4. This sounds delicious, Lillian! :9 Definitely gonna bookmark this. Thanks for sharing!

  5. Fudge is good -- when it's made by someone who knows what they're doing!


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