Wednesday, October 10, 2012

it was a cloudy tuesday

1.  Emily is my go-to model.  She's here, she's cute, and she loves to explore and have her picture taken.  I like to take advantage of that.  And so, this cloudy tuesday we went outside.

3.  I love cloudy weather.  I love the crisp chill that has enveloped us.

4.  I've been working on redesigning my blog a bit, that was fun.   Then on monday my computer faked it's own death, but resurrected once we got it to the doctors'.  I still have all my files, and they're now backed up.

5.  School is hectic, folks.

Have a happy Wednesday!


  1. agreed agreed agreed. with all of it. the last few are my favourite (and yes I just spelled that all britishly/canadianly while making up new words), the ones in black and white.

  2. really cute pictures! she is adorable. :) Yes, cloudy weather is wonderful!


Thank you for taking the time to tell me what you think, I appreciate all your words!