Thursday, July 11, 2013

Jake + Janice

Jake has been my dad's friend for a while, and I've never seen him as happy as he is now with Janice.  Their love is fun and makes me smile.  Janice is a lovely, laughing, woman of God, and these two are just really cute together.  I got to snag them for a few minutes before Janice caught her flight, and I'm so glad I did.
We were talking before these pictures and I mentioned how I had seen this cute sign for a wedding that stated "Mutual weirdness forever" and Jake and Janice looked at each other and laughed.

"That describes us perfectly"


  1. these pictures are so raw and the love between these two is very strong - it's radiating through their smiles. ah :) your photography is always so heartfelt.
    lotus m

    from 'my words and i' ♡

  2. These are some of the best couple pictures I've ever seen! I love them!! They're so fun, creative, and happy! Way to go, Lillian :D

  3. aw these are precious :)
    (also: I'm loving the design of your blog right now!)

  4. Agnes Geets12.7.13

    Looking through the pictures I can only think of one thing: love is in the air :-)

  5. oh my gosh, they are adorable. you seriously did SUCH a good job. love them!

  6. I LOVE these photos! They are soo cute!


Thank you for taking the time to tell me what you think, I appreciate all your words!