Thursday, February 07, 2013

Essential // Personal

Things that say a lot about a person.  What things are essential to them? Do they have anything interesting in their bag?  Do they have a lot of things, or just money?  I don't know, I just think it's cool.  I'm definitely the person who wants all of the "essentials" in her purse, but i pare it down as much as i can and organize it a lot.

i.  the bag.  I got my bag from goodwill.  It was probably like six dollars, and it's kind of oddly colored on the side, but I like the shape and how slouchy it is.  I tied a little scarf around the strap.  It's a bit of a security blanket for me.  I feel much better if I know I have all the things i "need" with me, and can hold the cross-body strap in my hands.

ii.  ipod.  it's a little bit pathetic how essential this is to me.  I have it with me pretty much always.  I could probably do without it more often, and that would be a good thing.

iii.  notebook.  just got a new notebook.  I fill them up quickly with lists, poems, words, journal entries, information i need to remember, reminders, doodles, sketches, letters, and sometimes even gum i don't want anymore folded on the last page.

iv.  pens.  many pens. all sorts of pens.  pencils.  I took out a complete handful of other pens for the picture, I usually add to the pens in my purse over the week, and eventually take them out, and start all over. I like different pens for different things, and my handwriting changes a lot with different pens.

v.  wallet.  i have lots of member/gift/hotel key cards and sometimes cash if i don't spend it all on food.  but i keep my change in a jar on my desk for adventures.  i got this wallet from a "souvenir barn" in northern Michigan last summer.  i like the colors.

vi.  chapsticks.  lipsticks.  mascara.  sweets.  cough drops.  hair clippies.  more chapstick.  fingernail clippers.  key chain game.  rings.  i keep them all in various little pockets so i don't have to fish around for them.

vii.  camera.  always.  I carry it around with me separately slung over my shoulder, but it still counts as "in my bag".  I bring it everywhere, always taking pictures.  I really like it a lot.


  1. You have such cute style, lady!

  2. I can't stand a cluttered bag, but I do always have to have a book in my bag, in case I get bored. I also like a little bit of lipgloss, because my lips get chapped easily. But that's just me. :)

    1. I have a book in my gag right now, but I don't always. :)

  3. i kind of like cluttered bags. empty ones just aren't fun, nor does your bag feel full. oh and i keep duct tape in my bag. yes, tape :)

  4. i love how you carry your journal around.

  5. You got that bag from goodwill? Score! It is pretty awesome...

  6. Your bag is so adorable I just can't stand it, and from Goodwill?! Major score. The scarf also adds something special. Your ipod case is so cute!

  7. Love love love your bag! And your chapstick + lipstick... I'm the same way, I have like fifty billion every where. ;)

  8. ohh. i love your bag. <3 i'm always on the lookout for cute purses when i'm at goodwill. also, the contents of your purse are much like mine - journal, wallet, chapsticks + lip glosses, mp3 player + camera (always) and miscellaneous ecteteras. lovely post. xx

    ( the alcove )

  9. I love this. :) And I'm glad that I'm not the only one that carries a variety of writing utensils around. I have colored pencils, pens, gel pens, and highlighters on me at all times. And yes, I need them all. *ahem*

  10. i love this post. i still haven't gotten into 'wearing' a purse constantly. i have one that i'll take with me if i'm going to be gone all day. but thats rare. i just put my iphone in my jean pockets and some money if i need it in another along with chapstick. someday when i grow up i will haha.

    oh and how did you get your handwriting on these pictures? its amazing! xx

  11. love how this tells a story.

  12. Sounds exactly like me, lillian. :)
    I love how you used handwritten+arrows on the pictures. I don't know why, this just makes me super happy. xoxo.

  13. this is such a pretty post. i can totally relate to iPod dependency. :)

  14. hah! i can totally relate to this -- i'm such a hoarder when it comes to things in my purse. i like feeling like i'm in control, that i have everything i need, that i'm not going have any lack. i bought a smaller over-the-shoulder purse back in january, and so now i have to be more organized and picky when it comes to things i keep in my purse. my essentials? chapstick. always.

  15. If someone were to order me to choose only my bare essentials, I'd go with a journal or two, some good pens, at LEAST one book and the ever-faithful clunky camera strung around my neck.

    Love this entire post - your bag is too fab. Love the fonts used in the photos.

  16. love that bag. and I'm glad I'm not the only one who carries a half-dozen various lip products in her bag... ;)

  17. what lovely objects, and beautiful post by the way.


Thank you for taking the time to tell me what you think, I appreciate all your words!