It was one of those days where I actually slept well. I dragged myself
out of bed, and hopped in the shower and then tried to figure out what
to wear. I didn't want to just wear jeans and a t-shirt
that is so boring and I don't particularly want to be boring, but I
wanted to be comfortable, and what is most comfortable? Layers. So I
decided to wear jeans... and a dress, and a shirt, and a cardigan. I
was warm and comfy and happy despite the fact that I was not still in
But it was still one of those days. I went to school, turned in homework, smiled, laughed, but generally just felt quiet. I like quiet days though. Quiet and content days are really nice. I felt very comfortable in my skin, and that is a nice feeling.
You know how what you wear makes a difference in how you act? I think that dressing is a really big part of a person. Either you care what you wear, or you don't, but either way, it shows who you are. Mart Twain said "Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no affect on society" obviously we aren't going to go around naked (well most people don't ;) but how you clothe yourself, in this outward-appearance-based society we live in, is going to affect what people think of you, and even how you think of yourself.
There are stories to every article of clothing, and choosing to wear something is adding to your story. Maybe it's not so drastic as all that, but it's still true. When I am happy, I am more likely to put on a brightly colored dress. When I am sad I'm more likely to wear simpler clothing.
I think that everything that you gather to yourself, everything you surround yourself with, is going to add to the definition of
you. You may not realize it, but each little choice you make says something about you and influences you. So why would you chose to dress/act/talk like someone else? Of all the infinite combinations of characters that makes a person, of all the unique traits God gave you, why would you try to be like someone else? I think we're trying to find ourselves in something other than God, for one. Don't embrace trends and labels and things of this world. Embrace the unique person God has made you. Embrace God.
Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You." Dr. Seuss had it right. There's no one who can be YOU better than you can. Isn't that pretty obvious? So why would we try to be someone else when we could be God's 100% unique creation?
I know this is kind of all over the place. But when I'm getting dressed, I want to dress 100% me. Sometimes I put on jeans and a t-shirt because I don't really care that day, but generally I'm so much more comfortable in "my" skin, of dresses and layers and patterns and colors.
I'm more comfortable and me in smiles and awkwardness. I'm more comfortable singing loudly than conversing about math. I would rather cook and bake than play sports.
So I guess my point is that, I want to encourage each of you lovely people reading this to be you. To not worry what other people think, or try to act like someone else, but to always be the 100% you that God made. Embrace being yourself, not someone else, and embrace God. Read his word, and pray without ceasing, live life joyously for God, and find what his purpose is for you. God has made you special, and he has a great plan for you(Jeremiah 1: 5).
Lillian ♥
Phillipians 4:4-9